6.1. A & D List
6.1.1. A & D Create New A & D Firm
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6.1.1. A & D Create New A & D Firm

Architectural & Design

You can use with the menu bar option or the icon option to add a new A & D firm to your database. Both options open the same input window.

The Create a new A&D Firm window opens with 3 tabs. The General Info tab, the A&D Contacts tab and the A & D Stats tab.

General Info

Image A&DCreateGeneral.JPG

Field Description
Firm Name * Enter the name of the A&D firm (required field)
Street * Enter the address for the firm (required field)
City * Enter the City of the A&D firm (required field)
State * Select the State of the A&D firm (required field)
Zip * Enter the ZIP or Postal Code of the A&D firm (required field)
Phone * Enter the phone number of the A&D firm (required field)
Fax Enter the FAX number for the A&D firm
Add Firm After entering the required data, click on this button to save your entry

Input field names followed by an asterisk (*) are required fields and must be entered before your entry will be saved.

A&D Contacts

Image A&DCreateContacts.JPG

Field Description
Contact Name Enter the contacts name
Title Enter the contacts title
Phone Enter the contacts primary phone number
Phone 2 Enter a secondary phone number for the contact
Mobile Enter the contacts mobile phone number
Fax Enter the contacts fax number
Email Enter the contacts email address

There is no limit on the number of contact's you may enter per A&D firm

A&D Stats

Image A&DCreateStats.JPG

There are no input fields in the A&D Stats window. This window shows statistics on proposals where the A&D firm has been added on the Project Info tab of your Proposal.

Average GP margin - this is the average GP % on proposals that this A&D firm is associated with.

Total invoiced Sales - this shows the Month To Date (MTD), Quarter To Date (QTD), Year To Date (YTD) and Overall total of invoiced sales that this A&D firm is associated with.

Total Proposed Sales - this shows the Month To Date (MTD), Quarter To Date (QTD), Year To Date (YTD) and Overall total of all proposals (not booked, booked, invoiced) that this A&D firm is associated with.

6.1.1. A & D Create New A & D Firm
6.1. A & D List
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6.1.2. A & D Search A & D Firms